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      New Technician Training Requirements for Alabama Registered Technicians

      Posted by Jessica Langley on February 2020

      Effective January 1, 2020, all newly registered technicians are required to complete a Board approved training program within six (6) months of the registration as set out in rule 680-X-2-.14.

      The Role of Technicians in Pharmacies in Alabama

      (10)(a) All technicians receiving their initial registration on or after January 1, 2020, shall complete a Board-approved training program within the first six months after their registration and submit evidence of completion to the board within 10 days of completion. The technician and the employing pharmacy shall keep documentation of this training for a period of two years from the completion of the training. The passage of a Board-recognized pharmacy technician certification examination shall be accepted as a training program. The training program shall be the responsibility of the technician and the pharmacy employing the technician. The Board of Pharmacy may issue a fine of up to one thousand ($1,000) to the pharmacy and revocation of the registration of a technician for violation of this rule.

      It is the responsibility of the supervising pharmacist and any pharmacists supervising technicians to deliver additional training for technicians performing specialized or advanced functions as allowed by rule. (Please refer to 680-X-2-.14 in its entirety)

      Pharmacy technicians that successfully pass the ExCPT from NHA or PTCB certification, or are registered prior to January 1, 2020 will be in compliance with the Board’s training requirement.

      For more information, visit www.albop.com

      Topics: Pharmacy Technicians

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