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      New York passed law defining and recognizing ‘registered pharmacy technicians

      Posted by Jessica Langley on November 2019

      Last week New York’s Governor signed SB 6517 bill into law, which defines the role of “registered pharmacy technicians” and establishes qualifications for licensure. The bill also differentiates between the responsibilities of registered (licensed) technicians and unlicensed technicians—and establishes a ratio requirement.

      You can find the bill here: https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/bills/2019/s6517

      The law goes into effect in 18 months. This will give the Board time to operationalize the new licensing requirement.

      Board-approved certification is required for registered technicians:

      Section 6844. Requirements for licensure as a registered pharmacy technician. To qualify for licensure as a "registered pharmacy technician", an applicant shall fulfill the following requirements:

      1. Application: file an application with the department;
      2. Education: have received an education, including high school graduation or its equivalent, as determined by the department;
      3. Certification from a nationally accredited pharmacy technician certification program acceptable to the department;
      4. Age: at the time of application be at least eighteen years of age;
      5. Character: be of good moral character as determined by the department; and
      6. Fee: pay a fee determined by the department for initial license and for each triennial registration period.


      Section 6841. Definition of the practice of registered pharmacy technician

      (4) No licensed pharmacist shall obtain the assistance of more than two registered pharmacy technicians in the performance of licensed tasks within their scope of practice or four unlicensed persons, in the performance of the activities that do not require licensure, the total of such persons shall not exceed four individuals at any one time. Pharmacy interns shall be exempt from such ratios but shall be supervised in accordance with commissioner's regulations. Individuals who are responsible for the act of placing drugs which are in unit-dose packaging into medication carts as part of an approved unit-dose drug distribution system for patients in institutional settings shall be exempt from such ratio, provided that such individuals are not also engaged in performing the activities set forth in subdivision one or paragraph b, c, d, e, f, g, h, or i of subdivision two of this section. The licensed pharmacist shall provide the degree of supervision of such persons as may be appropriate to ensure compliance with the relevant provisions of regulations of the commissioner.

      Topics: Pharmacy Technicians

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