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      NHA Breaks Barriers, Creates Choice for Pharmacy Technician Certification

      Posted by National Healthcareer Association on October 2019

      All 50 states accept the ExCPT exam from National Healthcareer Association (NHA), helping more pharmacy technicians earn a national credential


      LEAWOOD, Kan., October 24, 2019 -- Pharmacy technicians now have options in all states for national certification. National Healthcareer Association’s Exam for the Certification of Pharmacy Technicians (ExCPT®) is now accepted in all states that require certification as well as all states that either expand the number of permitted pharmacy technicians or the scope of pharmacy technician practice based on certification. The ExCPT certified pharmacy technician (CPhT) credential confirms a pharmacy technician’s knowledge and competency in the core tasks of the role, which in turn enhances patient safety. Removing barriers that limit the options for certification creates a larger pool of qualified technicians, promotes innovation in the development of training and exam resources, and amplifies the collective voice of industry advocates that support professional advancement for technicians.

      “At NHA, we always advocate for what’s best for the people in the professions we serve. Over the past few years, we’ve diligently shared information with boards of pharmacy and industry leaders to demonstrate the value of providing an additional exam option for pharmacy technicians in states that previously only acknowledged one exam. By engaging both regulatory and legislative bodies, we’ve been able to promote the value of not only the ExCPT exam, but of certification in general, for pharmacy technician professionals, their employers and the patients they serve,” said Jessica Langley-Loep, executive director of education and advocacy for NHA.

      According to Lisa Schwartz, PharmD and senior director of professional affairs at the National Community Pharmacists Association (NCPA), well-qualified technicians are a vital component in assisting pharmacists in providing optimal care for patients. “NCPA applauds NHA in its provision of technician training tools and certification program that allow pharmacists to practice at their full scope,” said Schwartz.

      NHA supports pharmacy technicians in the area of certification and recently expanded its product portfolio to help those who are training pharmacy technicians through innovative, interactive learning tools that align with both current pharmacy technician practice and today’s adult learning theory.

      "It's gratifying to receive validation that the rigorous process NHA undergoes to develop and maintain the ExCPT exam is recognized by states' boards of pharmacy across the country,” said Jeremy Sasser, CPhT, pharmacy content strategist at NHA. “Giving technicians a choice when they aspire to become certified, while providing confirmation that the content covered in the ExCPT exam is relevant to practicing today, will ensure that the momentum in advancing the profession will be sustained tomorrow and beyond."

      NHA is committed to being a partner to pharmacy technicians at every step of their journey, from entry-level training to certification and beyond. Learn more at http://info.nhanow.com/onepartner.


      Topics: Pharmacy Technicians

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