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      NHA Launches Instagram Channel and Facebook Group Celebrating #NHAcertified Professionals

      Posted by Jessica Salley on August 2017


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      In support of the NHA mission to empower people to access a better future, NHA launches two new ways for certification holders to connect with each other while inspiring the next generation of healthcare workers.

      NHA certification holders now have the opportunity to join an exclusive Facebook group. A public Instagram channel, dedicated to celebrating NHA certification holder's stories, is now also live.

      “The ability to connect with your peers is an invaluable tool to have available to you in your career, it provides a connection to others that share a passion for healthcare and making a difference in patients’ lives,” says Jessica Langley, Executive Director of Education at NHA.

      Members of the Facebook group will get early access to career development resources, online events, and networking opportunities. Both new social media resources follow the theme of celebrating NHA certified professionals.

      Those with active NHA certifications can request to join the Facebook Group here. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to follow the new Instagram channel here or by searching for @IamNHAcertified in the Instagram app. Follow the conversation across many social media channels using the tag #NHAcertified.

      Topics: NHA Certified

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      For media inquiries, please contact Bret Silverberg at bret.silverberg@ascendlearning.com

      NHA Mission Statement

      Empowering people to access a better future.

      NHA Vision Statement

      As the industry leader, we are passionately committed to develop, advance and advocate for the frontline healthcare worker, resulting in improved patient care.

      The NHA Approach

      NHA’s proven results elevate and impact the lives of individuals, schools and businesses in allied health. Our comprehensive certification and preparation resources provide our clients with access to the professional success they desire. NHA provides continuity for educators and employers seeking a partner with multiple certification options, giving students and employers a trusted path to skills growth and career advancement.