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      NHA Partners with HOSA to Launch Patient Care Technician Competition

      Posted by National Healthcareer Association on September 2024

      National Healthcareer Association (NHA) recently announced a new partnership with HOSA-Future Health Professionals, a global student-led organization working to develop future leaders in the global health community, to launch a new competitive event for students to develop skills needed to become a Certified Patient Care Technician/Assistant (CPCT/A).

      The competitive event will consist of two rounds. The first round will be a written test of 50 multiple choice questions with topics including patient care (compliance, safety, and professional responsibility), infection control, phlebotomy, and electrocardiogram (EKG) administration. The second round will be a hands-on skills assessment on one topic which could be discontinuing a peripheral IV, applying sequential compression devices, measuring an infant’s length and weight, clean catching a urine specimen, routine evacuated tube system (ETS) venipuncture, obtaining a 12-lead EKG, or identifying components of the EKG strip.

      NHA and HOSA’s partnership will give passionate students interested in healthcare an opportunity to explore a career as a patient care technician and advance their skills. NHA is proud to play a role in broadening the availability of qualified CPCT/As at a time when the majority of employersrequire certification to fill this role, and 85% of healthcare facilities say they lack needed allied health professionals.

      For students and advisors interested in the competition, NHA is hosting a virtual competitive event workshop specifically on the HOSA PCT competition on October 8, 2024. Registration is available at https://info.nhanow.com/webinar-hosa-patient-care-technician-competition.


      To read the full press release, CLICK HERE.

      Topics: CTE

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      For media inquiries, please contact Bret Silverberg at bret.silverberg@ascendlearning.com

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