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      CMS Updates, Healthcare Consumer Insights, Apprentice Programs for MAs and More Healthcare News

      Posted by Jessica Langley on June 2018

      The last few months have presented the healthcare and education sectors with plenty of newsworthy updates. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services announced an overhaul to the meaningful use EHR program which removes redundancies. Administrator, Seema Verma, said changes to the program eliminate 25 measures and ultimately save hospitals over 2 million hours of work.

      Today, we also highlight some pivotal successes for NHA along with key collaborative relationships between educators and employers who share a common goal of enhancing the success of allied health professionals. Research also supports the important role that industry credentials are playing in today’s workforce and the impact they are having on the healthcare and education sectors.

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      For media inquiries, please contact Bret Silverberg at bret.silverberg@ascendlearning.com

      NHA Mission Statement

      Empowering people to access a better future.

      NHA Vision Statement

      As the industry leader, we are passionately committed to develop, advance and advocate for the frontline healthcare worker, resulting in improved patient care.

      The NHA Approach

      NHA’s proven results elevate and impact the lives of individuals, schools and businesses in allied health. Our comprehensive certification and preparation resources provide our clients with access to the professional success they desire. NHA provides continuity for educators and employers seeking a partner with multiple certification options, giving students and employers a trusted path to skills growth and career advancement.