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Exclusive Trends About In-Demand Allied Health Professions

We collected insights and data from employers of allied health professionals, digging deeper to understand what they seek in candidates, what these professionals’ daily work looks like, and what traits and skills make them most successful in their roles. Here's what we found. 

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As an advocate for allied health professionals, we hope you can use this data to help your learners and employees navigate their own path to achieve their career dreams and contribute to building healthcare to be better than ever.


What percent of the following professions require certification within your organization?

The journey towards strengthening our healthcare workforce starts with high quality education and training followed by obtaining a national certification. Certification is often the starting point to a successful career and signifies to an employer job readiness for the role along with demonstrating a standardized measure of knowledge and skills.


What percent of the following professions require certification within your organization?

The journey towards strengthening our healthcare workforce starts with high quality education and training followed by obtaining a national certification. Certification is often the starting point to a successful career and signifies to an employer job readiness for the role along with demonstrating a standardized measure of knowledge and skills.


61% require certification
for Billing & Coding Specialists


75% require certification
for EKG Technicians


47% require certification
for medical administrative assistants


72% require certification
for medical assistants


51% require certification
for patient care technicians


83% require certification
for pharmacy technicians


78% require certification
for phlebotomy technicians

How many employees are certified within your organization?

Employers understand the value of supporting or hiring certified professionals. It not only shows a commitment to providing high quality patient care but also a commitment to their employees and their career aspirations. Once an individual has earned certification, they are ready to traverse a healthcare journey towards career growth, advancement and further successes.


75% of Billing & Coding Specialists


81% of EKG Technicians


62% of medical administrative assistants


78% of medical assistants


70% of patient care technicians


88% of pharmacy technicians


83% of phlebotomy technicians


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As an advocate for allied health professionals, we hope you can use this data to help your learners and employees navigate their own path to achieve their career dreams and contribute to building healthcare to be better than ever.

Projected Growth and Salary in Allied Health Professions

Overall employment in healthcare occupations is projected to grow much faster than the average for all occupations from 2023 to 2033. About 1.8 million openings are projected each year, on average, in these occupations due to employment growth and the need to replace workers who leave the occupations permanently.


* Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

What percentage of allied health employers would hire a candidate with a nationally recognized certification over someone without?

Certification shows educators their work in preparing students is paying off. For employers, it provides confidence in potential hires. And for individuals, certification unlocks doors to advancement.

85% of employers state they would be more likely to interview and hire a candidate with nationally recognized certifications over someone without.

What percentage of allied health employers pay more when their employees earn national certification?

With health care staffing issues on the rise, employers are thinking about multiple ways to attract and retain key talent. Supporting employees through national certification and wage increases is just one way.

70% of healthcare employers increase pay when an employee earns professional certification.

What training methods are used to develop employees’ clinical/administrative skills?

It is no surprise that direct on-the-job training is still the number one most effective way that individuals learn. It allows a hands-on method of teaching the skills, knowledge, and competencies needed for employees to perform a specific role along with allowing them to become fully emersed in the work environment with their colleagues and patients. 

86% On-the-job-training
66% Online training
47% Workshops
22% Labs / Simulation

Closing the gap to educate and train the next generation of healthcare professionals

NHA's Industry Outlook shares the trends impacting some of the most in-demand allied health professions. Through our research, NHA collects insights and data from employers of allied health professionals, digging deeper to understand what they seek in candidates, what these professionals’ daily work looks like, and what traits and skills make them most successful in their roles. 

Download the full report or talk with one of our advisors.

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As an advocate for allied health professionals, we hope you can use this data to help your learners and employees navigate their own path to achieve their career dreams and contribute to building healthcare to be better than ever.

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