When you’re looking for the best in medical billing and coding, look no further than the Certified Billing and Coding Specialist (CBCS) program from National Healthcareer Association (NHA). NHA’s comprehensive, nationally accredited medical billing and coding certification leads the way, with a program designed to give learners a clear path to the medical billing and coding profession, including:
NHA’s CBCS 3.0 focuses on the Complete Revenue Cycle, a critical component of understanding all financial transactions in the medical office. CBCS includes BOTH billing and coding, which go hand-in-hand. This means CBCS professionals know the entire financial relationship, beginning with accurate registration and scheduling, and each element of the revenue cycle through the visit, charge capture, billing, adjudication, appeals, and ending when the final payment is posted to patient accounts.
We know that certified billing and coding specialists (CBCS) have a positive impact on the Revenue Cycle because:
CBCS certificate holders gain first-hand knowledge and application of coding, using the coding manuals and guidelines (ICD-10-CM, CPT®, and HCPCS).
To support proficiency in both billing and coding, the CBCS Study Guide includes animated mentors, EHR billing- and coding-focused practice simulations and immersive and interactive learning activities throughout. Additional support for learners includes supplemental billing and coding practice activities, a fillable CMS-1500 form, professionalism tips videos, case studies and self-reflection activities.
NHA annually refreshes its CE focused on billing and coding to promote the professional development of CBCS certificate holders.
In addition, NHA offers credentials for Certified Electronic Health Record Specialist (CEHRS) and Certified Medical Administrative Assistant (CMAA) to further develop professional growth in the administrative professions of health care. Check those out and see if they are right for your career advancement!
Competent medical billing and coding professionals, at all levels of practice, are invaluable to reducing or minimizing errors leading to denied claims and decreased or delayed reimbursement. Those with the CBCS certification are recognized, even in entry-level positions, for their ability to positively impact health care settings by supporting accurate and timely billing and attaining optimal/accurate reimbursement.
NHA’s Advocacy Team is super excited to spread the news of our CBCS exam with employers throughout the country. Our Advocacy Team is here to help you by building strategic partnerships between educators and employers.
– Physicians’ Primary Care of Southwest Florida
“I like the new platform - student-friendly, the details, the variety of learning; pass rate has increased with use of new study materials over last exam. Like that the content and that it’s not overwhelming.”
“Our Pass rate using CBCS 3.0 is 97%, up from 60-70% without using the study guide and up from 80% with CBCS 2.0 study materials.”
“Love all the billing content.”
“My favorite feature is the EHR Simulations. Love them!”
“All the RESOURCES/Documentation are invaluable!”
“Love the Professionalism Tips Videos – they are invaluable.”
Stand out with credentials from the leader in medical billing and coding certification. NHA’s CBCS certification:
For more information about revenue cycle management training and billing and coding certification, visit NHA’s Certified Billing and Coding Specialist (CBCS) page.