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      Nearly 40 percent of healthcare employers are offering continuing education to allied health professionals

      Posted by Stefanie Voth on July 2018

      access™ volume II takes a deeper look at how employers and educators are collaborating to teach valued skills to allied health professionals

      Screen Shot 2018-07-31 at 11.59.05 AMLEAWOOD, Kan.July 31, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- When it comes to patient care, the most valued skills are customer service, patient communication, and problem solving, according to a recent study of healthcare employers and educators (the "access Study"). In the 2018 annual access™ publication, National Healthcareer Association (NHA) focuses on trends in patient-centered care, patient empowerment and the expanding role of Career and Technical Education (CTE) on the healthcare industry as well as other allied healthcare topics, in an effort to provide insights on education and certification for allied health professionals.                                

      The access Study, conducted by an independent research firm, found that 95 percent of employers value the employer/educator collaboration, with 41 percent specifically valuing the expanded knowledge and skill sets that come with collaboration. Employers understand that offering continuing education and certification opportunities to allied health professionals directly affects the quality of patient care.

      "The role of the allied health professional is changing now more than ever. For our customers, partners, educators and healthcare professionals everywhere it is critical we help them understand the changes and just how important their role is to improving patient care," said Jessica Langley, NHA executive director of educator and provider markets.

      In this edition of access, subject matter experts and contributors discuss relevant trends in motivational interviewing, how educators are developing the modern student, and how patients can help manage their own care more successfully through the use of questions and advocating techniques to manage their health.

      "It is no secret that allied health professionals impact patient care, which is why it is important to understand the skills and education necessary to provide the best possible care and allow patients to have a voice," said Mike Dahir, NHA General Manager.  

      access takes a closer look at four healthcare careers ¾ medical assistants, pharmacy technicians, patient care technicians, and billing and coding specialists  ¾  to provide targeted, relevant research, as each positions' career projection grows by at least 11 percent through 2026.

      Additional insights from 2018 access data continue to support the role of certification in the allied health industry. Three out of four employers encourage certification, with 99 percent of employers and educators believing certification is important, citing credibility as the primary reason. In fact, research data indicates that two thirds of educators say they encourage students to get certified, regardless of the profession or program. Employers and educators also expect an increase in employment and enrollment for the medical assistant, patient care technician, pharmacy technician, and certified billing and coding specialist professions due to increased demand and new program offerings, according to the study.

      Survey Methodology

      This industry survey was conducted via a third-party research firm and constructed to assess the opinions of employers and educators concerning the professional outlook for medical assistants, pharmacy technicians, patient care technicians and certified billing and coding specialists. This survey was in market November 8-15, 2017.

      The survey targeted employers of, and educators at educational institutions that instruct medical assistant, pharmacy technician, patient care technicians or billing and coding specialists. The survey audience was split evenly between educator and employer, including both NHA customers and non-customers. A screener question vetted out survey respondents who did not meet criteria. Visit the website to see additional survey results and research in the full issue of access™.


      Topics: Allied Health Careers, Industry News

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      NHA’s proven results elevate and impact the lives of individuals, schools and businesses in allied health. Our comprehensive certification and preparation resources provide our clients with access to the professional success they desire. NHA provides continuity for educators and employers seeking a partner with multiple certification options, giving students and employers a trusted path to skills growth and career advancement.