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      NHA News Center

      The Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Program approves NHA as a Sponsor Organization of CAAHEP and MAERB

      Posted by Jessica Langley on June 2018

      NHA is excited to announce a new sponsorship with the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Programs (CAAHEP), the largest programmatic/specialized accreditor in the health sciences field and Medical Assisting Education Review Board (MAERB), one of the Committees of Accreditation (CoA) for medical assisting education programs under the Commission.

      The goal of CAAHEP is to assess the quality of institutions, allied health programs and services, measuring them against accepted quality standards. In serving as a CoA of CAAHEP, MAERB is required to review programs based upon CAAHEP’s Standards and Guidelines, create policies that support CAAHEP’s Policies and Procedures, follow CAAHEP’s policies, and recognize and honor the diverse communities of interest, both within and beyond the medical assisting field, that have a stake in the education of medical assistants.

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      NHA Remains Steadfast in Commitment to Pharmacy Technician Profession

      Posted by Jeremy Sasser on February 2017

      Since the inception of the ExCPT exam in 2009, NHA has consistently advocated for well-trained, certified pharmacy technicians. We remain steadfast in our belief that certification candidates should meet certain training requirements, which can be achieved through multiple reputable educational pathways.

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      For media inquiries, please contact Bret Silverberg at bret.silverberg@ascendlearning.com

      NHA Mission Statement

      Empowering people to access a better future.

      NHA Vision Statement

      As the industry leader, we are passionately committed to develop, advance and advocate for the frontline healthcare worker, resulting in improved patient care.

      The NHA Approach

      NHA’s proven results elevate and impact the lives of individuals, schools and businesses in allied health. Our comprehensive certification and preparation resources provide our clients with access to the professional success they desire. NHA provides continuity for educators and employers seeking a partner with multiple certification options, giving students and employers a trusted path to skills growth and career advancement.