Each of us has a reason to care.
Some people call their reason mom or dad. Still others may call their reason son or daughter. The fact is every one of us will, at some point, rely on a healthcare worker to care for us and the ones we love.
The simple notion of improving healthcare through greater competency is at the heart of our mission at NHA. We work every day to fulfill that mission through education and certification, leading to access to better care, better careers and better efficiency for providers and their patients.
Do you have an inspiring story about your career?
Help inspire the next generation of frontline health care professionals by sharing your story. You could be featured on our blog, website, social media and pass on what you've done and learned about becoming – and staying – #NHAcertified.
Terms of Use: By submitting your testimonial You confirm that you have written your submission yourself. If your story includes details about anyone else, you confirm that you have permission to share such details.
Your submission will be reviewed by NHA before it is posted. NHA may contact you or others to confirm the facts included in your submission. You agree not to include comments that are disparaging of others or would be deemed offensive. You give permission to and authorize Assessment Technologies Institute, LLC, d/b/a National Healthcareer Association (hereinafter "NHA"), its employees, designees, agents, independent contractors, subsidiaries and affiliates, successor and assigns or others acting on behalf of NHA to (i) use, publish, exhibit and display your name or any fictitious name you provide; and (ii) use, publish, reproduce, exhibit, display and copyright your submission or any portion of it in current or future promotional materials or media outreach projects. Your consent and authorization for all such uses are without restriction as to changes or alterations and extend to any reproductions thereof. The rights granted herein include the absolute right and privilege to use, re-use, edit, alter, reproduce, copy, distribute, publish and re-publish your submission.
You understand that NHA may edit your submission, including to protect the privacy of individuals or the confidentiality of organizations mentioned in your submission. You may submit a photo or image. Such photos or images should not include other people. Whether to use your image will be solely at NHA’s discretion and you understand that the image may be cropped or edited.
If your submission is shared, your statements will appear along with your first name, last name, NHA resources used, and your school/institution and its location. NHA will have no liability for any inaccuracies or misstatement in your submission that are posted.
The rights granted herein are royalty-free and shall extend in perpetuity throughout the world and for any purpose whatsoever, including but not limited to, the sale, publication, display, and exhibition thereof in editorial, promotion, advertising, trade, or otherwise, and in any and all media now known or hereafter created, without compensation to you.
You attest that you are 18 years of age or older and have the right to contract in your own name.