When it comes to choosing the best classroom materials, educators often struggle with narrowing down their many options. While in bygone days, choices centered around hardbound or softbound options, today’s textbook offerings go beyond something you can hold in your hands.

Print Textbooks

Print textbooks are traditional, even classic or nostalgic. People have been learning this way for a long time. Reading print is a passive experience, meaning there’s no interactivity present. Those who prefer print like the tactile experience—holding the book in their hands and being able to highlight or take notes by hand. While sometimes cumbersome—even heavy—a print textbook can be forever kept for review or reference.


eBooks are often replicas of print textbooks but with additional functionality like searchability, bookmarking, and interaction with an instructor. Additional features can include video and activities. They’re portable and convenient. And they’re less expensive than print.

Online Companion

Many print and eBooks have additional resources accessed via a companion website. These sites contain things like quizzes, videos, case studies, worksheets, presentations, and flashcards for further study, practice, and assessment. Many instructors use these for their assessment in particular.

Integrated Learning Resource

An integrated learning resource combines all of the above into a single solution. The interactive features of an eBook are combined with the practice and assessment of an online companion. Integrated Learning Resources aren’t print or eBook replicas. They’re built to streamline content into a cohesive, integrated learning path. Additionally, this option appeals to the different learning styles, with something for everyone.

Selecting What’s Right for Students (and the Instructor)

Choosing the right source of information to use is not only important for the students – it’s important for the instructor. Having a learning resource that instructors can count on to deliver needed information and keep students engaged is an added bonus for educators who often find themselves overworked and stretched too thin.

Learn more about NHA's new all-in-one Anatomy & Physiology resource for learning, practice, and assessment. Information on our new all-in-one Medical Terminology resource can be found here




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