Building Communication Skills Through Virtual Simulation

Join us for a free webinar to hear from an educator who relied on NHA’s virtual simulation product solutions as programs moved on-line. See a demo of PersonAbility™  and Principles of Health Coaching™ along with implementation tools. We have the resources in this unpredictable time that can help flex your plan, whether your programs are on-line, in the classroom or a combination.

  • August 5, 2020 |
  • Meg Sutton

Clinical Skills for Medical Assistants and Creative Options for Externships

  • June 30, 2020 |
  • National Healthcareer Association

Pharmacy Technician Readiness Resources for Administrators

In this webinar, we provide administrators a brief overview of the NHA suite of pharmacy technician product solutions.

  • May 13, 2020 |
  • National Healthcareer Association

The New Normal Playbook: The Changing Landscape of Health Systems in Response to COVID-19

Healthcare today is far different than it was at the start of 2020 due to COVID-19. During this webinar, which is now available on-demand, you will learn about how the healthcare system has adapted in the midst of this pandemic. 

  • May 13, 2020 |
  • Michelle Heller

Strategies for Success in Online Learning

In recent weeks, many educators across America have shifted to online learning. The team at NHA believes that our community will be stronger by learning from other another, and that's why we launched the Community Connect Forum, a webinar series for educators that involves polling, chat features and interactive conversation to help us gather the most impactful insights.

  • April 20, 2020 |
  • National Healthcareer Association

Trends in Healthcare Impacting the Rise in TBC Webinar

It takes a team to care for a patient. This shared work approach empowers team members to create a dynamic patient experience, sharing best practices and supporting each other in their roles. A team-based care approach can transform your workforce to be better prepared for their ever-changing environment and creates a wholistic patient experience.

This webinar emphasizes the importance of having a staff empowered and trained to work to the top of their credential and evaluate training needs and solutions that are applicable for your care model.

If you couldn’t tune in live to our webinar on team based care, you can stream it now. This webinar is sponsored by NHA in partnership with Medical Economics and is presented by Owen J. Dahl, MBA, FACHE, LSSMBB.

Click below to start watching!

  • April 15, 2020 |
  • Jessica Langley

6 Steps to Your Best Test Yet

  • January 30, 2020 |
  • Stacy Jones

How Care Transformation Empowers Medical Assistants to Reach New Heights

As we continue to witness a shift in healthcare towards team-based models, there's an opportunity to improve operational efficiency and patient care by providing medical assistants with greater opportunities to grow their careers. Medical assistants can play central roles in team-based models, especially when they are able to practice at the top of their credential. 

  • November 13, 2019 |
  • National Healthcareer Association

3 Strategies to Train & Retain Top Allied Health Talent Across Generations

Are you passionate about furthering the careers of your frontline healthcare workers? How about retaining top talent for the practice you serve?

  • August 1, 2019 |
  • Jessica Langley




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