Good News for CTE Programs: A Big Nod from Capitol Hill


It’s a new year, with a new federal administration, with a renewed focus on Career & Technical Education (CTE).

With that focus comes the launch of numerous federal policy initiatives and funding relief packages that impact the CTE space, al bet oftentimes causing confusion amongst state-level educators around keys questions like who, what, when and how these initiatives might impact them.

Three Major Initiatives that Affect You

In support of CTE Month, here are some key insights on three major initiatives listed below, along with some additional resources to help you dig deeper into how they might impact you, your program, and your students.

  1. Relaunching America’s Workforce Act (RAWA) (H.R. 6646)
  2. National Apprenticeship Act of 2021 (H.R. 447)
  3. Perkins V Basic State Grant Increases
    • The Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education appropriations bill included a $52.25 million increase for the Perkins Basic State Grant, bringing the new total to $1.334 billion for CTE.
    • Some of the activities important to CTE educators include:
      • Adult Education: $674,955, an increase of $18,000 from FY 20 level
      • Career Pathways for Youth Grants: $10 million, level-funded from FY 20 level
      • Strengthening Community College Training Grants (SCCTG): $45 million, an increase of $5 million from FY 20 level
      • Apprenticeship Grant Program: $185 million to support registered apprenticeships, an increase of $85 million from FY 20 level

Stay Up-to-Date

NHA supports and partners with ACTE and Advance CTE for up-to-date policy information regarding Perkins V, the Higher Education Act, Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, and the National Apprenticeship Act. For additional information about how NHA supports Career and Technical Education, visit

Did you miss it? Check out our case studies on how CTE programs have partnered with NHA to improve outcomes and how an Alabama CTE program is helping students with career and college readiness. May-Healthcare-Legislation-Webinar




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