The National Healthcareer Association (NHA) has achieved programmatic accreditation for continuing education from the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education for their soft skills training program, PersonAbility™. Accredited to provide nine hours of continuing education (0.9 CEUs) for both certified pharmacy technicians and pharmacists, PersonAbility™ provides essential soft skills training to improve communication techniques, critical thinking skills, and professionalism.   

“As a certified technician myself, I can’t overstate the value a resource like PersonAbility™ provides to pharmacy professionals. The ability to learn, practice and asses these critical communication skills, all while earning credits toward recertification and license renewals greatly benefits pharmacy personnel, their employers, and most importantly, the patients they serve,” according to Jeremy Sasser, a content strategist with NHA.   

In a study conducted for access™, NHA’s allied health industry journal, 93% of employers interviewed felt healthcare professionals did not have adequate soft skills training.  Specifically, the three most important soft skills that were identified include critical thinking, professionalism, and verbal communication – the very same soft skills that were also cited as the most lacking amongst newly hired pharmacy technicians. PersonAbility™ helps to close this essential skills gap by bringing real-life scenarios to learners in an easy-to-use, interactive format through its unique use of role play by way of virtual simulation. 

PersonAbility™ is designed to accurately show a learner’s improvement in soft skills by first assessing a baseline of the learners’ skills and knowledge . From there, learners undergo didactic content modules, followed by practice simulations to teach learners various techniques they’ll need as part of their role in providing quality patient care.  The final simulation is designed as an assessment, with the score compared to the learner’s baseline score to assess their overall improvement.   

PersonAbility™ is also available for various allied healthcare professions such as medical assistants, certified nursing assistants, patient care technicians and others.  

To learn more about PersonAbility™, or get in touch with an NHA sales representative, visit 




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