NHA News Center

      NHA Leader Urges Action on Allied Health Workforce Shortage

      Posted by National Healthcareer Association on July 2024

      NHA Segment Leader Kathy Hunter recently highlighted the urgent need to better recognize and support allied health professionals amid a nationwide shortage. In an op-ed published in Chief Healthcare Executive, a news site covering the latest innovative solutions and thinking for leaders, Hunter called on Congress and other stakeholders to invest in growing the allied health workforce.

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      NHA Collaborates with State Leaders to Advocate for SC Medical Assistants & Healthcare Employers

      In 2022, the state of South Carolina amended their statute regarding the qualifications for Certified Medical Assistants or CMAs and the corresponding duties that may be delegated to them. While the statute gave CMAs two years to meet new educational and certification requirements, the new language presented only one educational pathway for individuals to earn eligibility as a CMA.

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      ExCPT Certification Exam & Study Materials Coming Soon

      Posted by National Healthcareer Association on May 2024

      NHA will release a new version of the ExCPT test plan and study material to become a Certified Pharmacy Technician (CPhT). See below for more details.

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      Ascend Learning Joins Healthcare Workforce Coalition to Champion Health Workforce Shortage Solutions

      Posted by National Healthcareer Association on October 2023


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      Earn College Credit for NHA Certifications

      Posted by National Healthcareer Association on July 2023

      Did you know that you can earn ACE College Credit on select NHA certifications? 

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      2023 Industry Outlook: Allied Health Projections, Predictions and Trends

      Posted by National Healthcareer Association on May 2023


      The healthcare industry is one of the most dynamic and rapidly evolving sectors in the global economy. New technologies, treatments and regulations are introduced every year, shaping how we deliver and consume healthcare services. 

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      Now Available: CCMA 3.0 Certification Exam & Study Materials

      Posted by National Healthcareer Association on May 2023

      NHA will release a new version of the Certified Clinical Medical Assistant (CCMA) study materials and certification exam. See below for more details.

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      NHA's New CMAA Certification Exam & Study Materials: The Upcoming Enhancements You Need to Know

      Posted by National Healthcareer Association on April 2023

      Updates are coming soon to NHA's Certified Medical Administrative Assistant (CMAA) study materials. Read more to learn more about what you can expect with the newly enhanced versions.  

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      NHA Approves Alternative Pharm Tech Certification Eligibility Pathway

      Posted by National Healthcareer Association on October 2022

      Recently, the NHA Pharmacy Technician Governing Board unanimously voted to approve an alternative eligibility pathway to sit for the national certification exam. On October 1, ExCPT candidates may sit for the certification exam prior to completing a pharmacy technician training program. In order to sit for the exam prior to full completion of a pharmacy technician training program, candidates have to meet certain criteria outlined below.  

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      Certified Phlebotomy Technician (CPT) Eligibility Update

      Posted by National Healthcareer Association on September 2022

      At NHA, we constantly listen to our stakeholders and clients to ensure that our certification exams and learning resources meet the industry's needs. Recently, NHA has received several comments from institutions that their students were having difficulty meeting the Certified Phlebotomy Technician (CPT) exam eligibility requirement that states that ten capillary sticks must be completed on live individuals. It has been noted and shared that fewer patient care sites are doing capillary sticks, creating a barrier for individual learners to achieve certification.

      This topic was recently discussed at an NHA Certification Board meeting, and it was confirmed that while schools should continue teaching capillary sticks, finger sticks are more prevalent. NHA recognizes that many patient care sites still perform capillary sticks; however, the board has modified the CPT eligibility requirement to state the following:

      "For the CPT certification, you must be able to provide evidence that you have successfully performed a minimum of thirty (30) venipunctures and ten (10) capillary or finger sticks on live individuals."

      For more information about certification exam eligibility requirements or to review the updated language, click here to access NHA's Candidate Handbook.

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      For media inquiries, please contact Jessica Langley at jessica.langley@ascendlearning.com.

      NHA Mission Statement

      Empowering people to access a better future.

      NHA Vision Statement

      As the industry leader, we are passionately committed to develop, advance and advocate for the frontline healthcare worker, resulting in improved patient care.

      The NHA Approach

      NHA’s proven results elevate and impact the lives of individuals, schools and businesses in allied health. Our comprehensive certification and preparation resources provide our clients with access to the professional success they desire. NHA provides continuity for educators and employers seeking a partner with multiple certification options, giving students and employers a trusted path to skills growth and career advancement.