Overcoming Math Anxiety: A Guide for Educators

“I’m no good with numbers.”

“I’m more of a language person.”

“Math just never clicked for me.”

As an educator, you’ve no doubt heard some variation of these from learners throughout your career. You might think of them as excuses; after all, nobody is born knowing how to do math. Some people pick it up more quickly than others, but with a bit of practice anyone can learn, right?

  • July 2, 2020 |
  • National Healthcareer Association

What the Research Says about Advanced Skills Performed by Pharmacy Technicians

In this episode, Jessica Langley-Loep interviews a leading researcher on the pharmacy technician practice, Dr. Kenneth Hohmeier, associate professor, director of community affairs and the community based pharmacy residency program director for the University of Tennessee Health Science Center.  Together, they discuss how pharmacies can expand the roles of pharmacy technicians to improve workflow.

  • June 24, 2020 |
  • National Healthcareer Association

Pharmacy Technician Readiness Resources for Administrators

In this webinar, we provide administrators a brief overview of the NHA suite of pharmacy technician product solutions.

  • May 13, 2020 |
  • National Healthcareer Association

Expanding The Role of Pharmacy Technicians

How Advanced Skills are Moving the Industry Forward

It’s no surprise that the dynamics of healthcare have shifted in recent years. Patient demand for convenient, cost-effective healthcare continues to increase. Large health systems and pharmacy organizations are increasingly looking for new ways to meet these needs, which has led to a rise in convenient care clinics and the popularity of telemedicine. Among this growing body of innovative healthcare delivery methods is the increased use of pharmacists in clinical, direct patient care roles in both inpatient and community pharmacy settings. This shift in the role of pharmacists has support from both governmental organizations and patients.1-6

  • May 6, 2020 |
  • National Healthcareer Association

A Pharm Tech Journey: Finding Success in Many Pharmacy Settings and Roles

Aimee Capps’ journey as a pharmacy technician has given her career opportunities she didn’t realize were possible. When Capps was first approached about a part-time opening as a pharmacy technician with her employer, a retail pharmacy, she was a full-time bookkeeper and spent her days in a back office. With a little encouragement, she applied and started working in the pharmacy a couple of days each week, still bookkeeping on weekends. It didn’t take long before Capps says she was “hooked.” She loved helping people and seeing how much of a difference medication could make.

  • May 6, 2020 |
  • National Healthcareer Association




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