An Absence of Essential Skills in Today's Healthcare

Learn what led to an essential soft skills gap as well as methods to help healthcare workers improve.

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  • May 6, 2020 |
  • Lisa Davila, MS, RN

From Aspiring Chef to Passionate Healthcare Professional

A surprising shift in career plans for a recent high school grad led to fulfilling work helping others.

  • May 6, 2020 |
  • National Healthcareer Association

A Pharm Tech Journey: Finding Success in Many Pharmacy Settings and Roles

Aimee Capps’ journey as a pharmacy technician has given her career opportunities she didn’t realize were possible. When Capps was first approached about a part-time opening as a pharmacy technician with her employer, a retail pharmacy, she was a full-time bookkeeper and spent her days in a back office. With a little encouragement, she applied and started working in the pharmacy a couple of days each week, still bookkeeping on weekends. It didn’t take long before Capps says she was “hooked.” She loved helping people and seeing how much of a difference medication could make.

  • May 6, 2020 |
  • National Healthcareer Association

How to Help Allied Health Learners Cope With COVID-19 Stress

Many allied health students are adjusting to remote learning environments as America works to slow the spread of the coronavirus. They are also preparing to enter a field of work that is highly respected, highly needed, and suddenly more dangerous. It's a lot to process, and addressing these students' mental health needs is urgent.

  • April 20, 2020 |
  • National Healthcareer Association

Strategies for Success in Online Learning

In recent weeks, many educators across America have shifted to online learning. The team at NHA believes that our community will be stronger by learning from other another, and that's why we launched the Community Connect Forum, a webinar series for educators that involves polling, chat features and interactive conversation to help us gather the most impactful insights.

  • April 20, 2020 |
  • National Healthcareer Association

On the front lines of COVID-19: How You can Promote Self-care for Your Healthcare Workers

In this COVID-19 era, the headlines are increasingly filled with stories that describe the challenges faced by healthcare workers on the front lines. While working to optimize patient care, healthcare organizations are also focused on how they can take care of their employees, too. By tapping into guidance from organizations like the CDC, you can encourage self-care for healthcare workers who are selflessly serving patients in their communities during this pandemic.

  • April 13, 2020 |
  • National Healthcareer Association

5 Ways Pharmacy Technicians Improve the Pharmacy Practice

Across the United States, pharmacies face increasing demands and challenging profit margins. A recent survey of 643 independent pharmacy owners found that 58% are likely to close their doors in the next year or two if business doesn’t improve.

  • April 9, 2020 |
  • National Healthcareer Association

5 Best Practices to Engage and Extend the Work of Pharmacy Technicians

The impact and utilization of clinical pharmacists for more patient-centered tasks is on the forefront of national legislation and pharmacy leaders, with many advantages:

  • February 28, 2020 |
  • Jessica Langley

4 Ways to Strengthen High School CTE Programs Through Partnerships

The Association of Career and Technical Education (ACTE) released an evidence-based framework to define 12 elements of high quality CTE programs to help educators and administrators build and improve their programs. The 2018 passing of Perkins V created even more emphasis on the value of one of these elements: business and community partnerships.

  • February 21, 2020 |
  • Kate Ressler

Help us celebrate the pharmacy technician workforce in California

The California Pharmacist Association and NHA want to recognize pharmacy technicians that are making an impact through spectacular service, innovative approaches to learning, or bringing big ideas to the workplace as we invest, together, in the pharmacy profession.

  • February 20, 2020 |
  • Jessica Langley

How Michelle Heller Helps Students Beyond the Classroom

Today we're excited to kick off a new series that brings to surface the people and stories behind the NHA brand. Every month, we'll showcase some of the incredible talent we're fortunate to have on our team, and introduce you to individuals who are living our mission of empowering people to access a better future.

  • February 1, 2020 |
  • Kate Ressler


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  • Feb 14, 2025 3:30:00 AM |
  • National Healthcareer Association

Patient Care Technicians: The Key to Solving Nursing Burnout and Turnover



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