A VISION of CTE's Future: ACTE Conference Recap

The Association for Career & Technical Education (ACTE) conference, "CareerTech VISION", was a wonderful way to close out 2019. We joined other leaders, educators and vendors in the CTE space to collaborate and learn through professional development. I was pleasantly surprised by the number of speakers willing to share their success stories and best practices, and left feeling optimistic about where CTE is headed.

  • January 9, 2020 |
  • Sarah Freyman

Why NHA is Giving Thanks this Thanksgiving

As we approach Thanksgiving, we'd like to take an opportunity to thank everyone in the NHA community — educators, employers, students and certification holders. We're grateful to our partners who help us fulfill our mission of empowering people to access a better future. 

  • November 25, 2019 |
  • Kate Ressler

Promoting Professional Wellbeing Through Team-Based Care: AMA Boot Camp Recap

I had the opportunity to attend the AMA Practice Transformation Boot Camp on September 18, 2019 in Charlotte, North Carolina. Physicians, care team members and health system leaders attended to learn successful team-based care strategies that promote professional wellbeing.

  • November 21, 2019 |
  • Kala Steffen

5 Essential Soft Skills for Frontline Healthcare Workers

Success in healthcare requires more than clinical knowledge and technical skills. In high-touch healthcare environments where collaboration is critical, healthcare workers need to display essential skills. These skills make them more effective in working within a healthcare team ultimately helping patients achieve their health goals.

  • November 15, 2019 |
  • Meg Sutton

When Bad Math Makes its Mark

How medication dosage miscalculations impact both patients and pharmacies

  • November 11, 2019 |
  • Kate Ressler

6 Healthcare Podcasts to Inform and Inspire

Whether you're a healthcare professional or in training to become one, chances are you're busy balancing your personal and professional responsibilities. It's important to stay on top of industry trends, news and research, but it can be challenging to find time to educate yourself. Podcasts are a great way to learn on the go. You can tune in during your commute, lunch hour or workout routine — multitasking at its finest!

Below are six of our favorite healthcare podcasts to inform and inspire. Consider subscribing to them so you can always stay in the loop.

  • November 7, 2019 |
  • Kate Ressler

Career Laddering and Physician Burnout: Key Takeaways from the 2019 MGMA Annual Conference

From October 13 to 16, 2019, I had the opportunity to represent NHA at the MGMA Annual Conference in New Orleans. Over 4,000 healthcare industry professionals gather together annually for this event, and I always look forward to it. The atmosphere is full of energy and everyone I talk to — whether it be at a session, in our NHA booth or just meeting people in the lunch area — is enthusiastic and excited to be there.

  • October 31, 2019 |
  • Connie Sears

Busting Myths to Help Save Lives this Flu Season

Learn how health coaching can help change patients’ perspectives around influenza vaccination

  • October 24, 2019 |
  • Michelle Heller

3 Reasons Medical Assistants are Critical for Healthcare Success

Medical assistants (MAs) play a vital role in the delivery of healthcare, often being one of the first interactions patients have at their physicians’ offices. With a shortage of providers on the horizon, practices will continue to rely heavily on medical assistants to keep practice operations smooth while providing high-touch patient care.

  • October 21, 2019 |
  • Kate Ressler

What is team-based care, anyway?

You have seen it as a trending topic, primary care practices are talking about it, you’ve heard that change is coming, but what is team-based care anyway?

  • October 10, 2019 |
  • Stacy Jones

Why I left the 2019 PCMH Congress refreshed about patient-centered care


A few short weeks ago I was able to attend the 2019 Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH) Congress in Boston, MA as a representative of NHA. High-quality credentialing solutions and our expertise in allied health is something that I’m very proud of as a director of educational and employer partnerships. However, we want organizations to see us as something more than that. We are at the forefront of helping to reshape healthcare through developing, advancing and advocating for the frontline healthcare worker, with the goal of improving patient care.  

  • October 3, 2019 |
  • Susan Dalebout




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