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      7 Ways to Style Your Scrubs for Halloween

      Working on Halloween? Transform your scrubs into a fun Halloween costume! We scavenged the web and found our favorite costume trends you can make using your scrubs.

      We'd love to see how you and your co-workers are dressing for the holiday! Share a photo with us on Instagram or Twitter using the hashtags #styleyourscrubs and #nhacertified to showcase your creativity.

      1. Pineapple

      Gather up yellow scrubs, a headband, an empty toilet paper roll and some green construction paper and transform yourself into a sweet pineapple! Get instructions here.


      Image: Pura Vida Bracelets


      2. The Energizer Bunny

      Need to feel energized for the night shift? We love this idea from The Sweets Lab on Tumblr. She fashioned the batteries out of Pringles cans covered in duct tape and the mini drum is a packing tape roll covered in paper. For the drum sticks, glue red beads to toothpicks and voila! You'll keep going and going and going...


      Image: thesweetslab.tumblr.com


      3. Price is Right Contestant

      Here's a costume that could easily be thrown together last-minute. Just grab some yellow construction paper and a black marker and make a large name tag for your scrubs!

      Image: Alyssa Barrette / Pinterest


      4. Emojis

      Emojis are a hot costume this year, and so simple to pull off with yellow scrubs. You can DIY it with some felt and a hot glue gun, or buy an iron-on kit like this one from Etsy.


      Source: PerfestoPrintables / Etsy


      5. Minions

      Erica from Erica's Sweet Tooth joined her fellow first year co-residents and dressed as Minions to the delight of their younger patients. She also shared her recipe for some amazing Minion cupcakes on her blog!


      Image: Erica's Sweet Tooth


      6. Piper from "Orange is the New Black"

      If you have orange scrubs, you have a popular costume! Wear a blonde wig (unless of course you already have blonde hair), and layer a white tee under your scrubs.


      Image: The Wall Street Journal


      7. Flo from Progressive

      Do you have white scrubs? With the right accessories, hair and makeup you can transform into Flo from Progressive — a popular costume with a scrubby twist. Bustle has a detailed DIY breakdown here.


      Image: Bustle

      With a little creativity and effort, you can transform your scrubs into an unforgettable costume. Dressing up for work on Halloween can make for a spooktacular day for both you and your patients.

      So, use your imagination and put your scrubs to work!

      Don't forget to show us how you're styling your scrubs for the holiday using the hashtags #styleyourscrubs and #nhacertified. We can't wait to see what you come up with!

      Topics: style your scrubs, halloween