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      Limited time? These 5 study tips are for you

      Studying can seem like an overwhelming task, especially if you have a busy schedule. There’s so much information to take in in a limited amount of time, so it’s important to find study methods that work well for you.

      Here are five tips to help you become a study master:

      1. Prepare yourself for study sessions.

      Take good notes. If possible, take notes the old fashioned way: by hand, with pen and paper. Studies show that you’re more likely to retain information that you’ve written down by hand. Using study materials aligned with the exam your preparing for can help too.

      2. Stay healthy.

      If you aren’t feeling good physically, chances are you won’t feel good mentally. So, eat healthfully and keep your exercise routine going. In fact, some study experts recommend studying right after you exercise, because exercise increases blood flow, resulting in more energy and oxygen that help your brain do its thing. Even a walk will help you clear your head and transition more smoothly into study time.

      3. Find time to study every day.

      Even though it can be tempting to skip a study session when you have a packed day, even ten or fifteen minutes spent reviewing is helpful - it all adds up. Find time to study every day, and cap it off with a longer weekly study session.

      4. Embrace studying in different places.

      If you have work, school, and other life obligations to manage, you might have to study in some unconventional places. The good news is, this is actually to your advantage. Studying in different environments - quiet, loud, with varying distractions - is also a great way to retain more information than usual. Plus, it’ll help you be more comfortable on test day, which will most likely take place in an unfamiliar environment.

      5. Block out tempting distractions.

      Even though studying in different environments is good for you, letting Facebook eat up your daily 15 is risky (and let’s be honest … it’s happened to all of us). Try putting your phone in airplane mode during your study time so you on't notification for an hour, or use a browser extension to block distracting sites if you need your internet connection to study.

      With a good schedule of regular studying you can feel a lot more confident going in to take your exam. If you're looking for more resources, check out our store with practice assessments, and study guides that are aligned to each exam offered by NHA.

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      Topics: Study Tips, studying, Exam Prep, Study Prep